Why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day?

God bless all our men and women in uniform.

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Why Do We Celebrate Memorial Day?

by Diana DeLugan

Every year on Memorial Day weekend, my mother made sure that the photos of our family’s military men and women were displayed.For a woman with many physical ailments, displaying military photos was her small act of honoring our ancestors. As Memorial Day approaches, it seems befitting to give a little history about the Memorial Day celebration. Why do we celebrate it?

Soldiers' Cemetery

According to AmericasLibrary.gov, May 30th was officially designated as Memorial Day by Civil War Commander in Chief John A. Logan on May 30, 1868. It was initially called “Decoration Day,” as the day was intended to place flowers and decorate the graves of those who died during the American Civil War. In an interview with the Evening Star newspaper of Washington, D.C. on May 28, 1916, Mrs. John Logan said her husband reported that honoring the graves of…

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